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Projects & downloadsImagination Pilots ART-File packer/unpacker

Project description:

The IPE Artfile Packer/Unpacker tool let you pack and unpack ART files of games by Imagination Pilots, so that you can extract and modify the graphics of the game.

Following games are supported:
- "Blown Away" (1994)
- "Panic in the Park" (1995)
- "Where's Waldo? At the Circus" (1995)
- "Where's Waldo? Exploring Geography" (1996)
- "Eraser Turnabout" (1997)
- "Virtual K'Nex" (1998)
Daniel Marschall
ViaThinkSoft Co-Founder

Downloads related to this project

Included in this download: C source code
Daniel Marschall
ViaThinkSoft Co-Founder
- artfile packer and unpacker for Windows and Linux
- ipma frame extractor for Windows
Daniel Marschall
ViaThinkSoft Co-Founder